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keywords & objectives

Look at some of the keywords and objectives below! Identify the what in the elements of this research project before jumping into the who, where, why, and how!

Mexican Folk Dancers


  • What do you think of when you see or hear the word "Folklore?"

  • Do you think of myths & legends? Fairytales and superstitions? Could it be Taylor Swift's hit surprise album?

  • What is your definition of folklore and what does it take to consider something as "folk" or "folklore."

  • Is your perception of folklore influenced by your environment, education, or upbringing?


  • What do you think of when you see or hear the word "Digital?"

  • What kinds of artifacts do you associate with this word?

  • How does technology tie into your definition?

  • Do you have any digital biases?

Computer Programming
Gaming Headphones


  • Do you identify with any digital folk groups?

  • Are there digital folk groups that you are interested in but want to know about?

  • What does it take to be part of this group?

  • How do you speak to others in this folk group? Is there a special language or method of communication?


  • Why is the purpose for documenting history?

  • What resources do folklorists typically use to conduct their research?

  • Why don't we consider our immediate history as history?

  • How do you think the future will interpret our existence based on our digital data? How would explain life right now to your great, great grandkids?

Traditional Library
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